
Christian Education

Based on the Hawaiian Bible Foundation Course, our school shares the words of the Bible every day, praises and worships the Father together, and practices the words of the Bible:
“Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.“(Proverbs 22:6)
Montessori Method

- Life Skills Education: It includes etiquette and taking care of oneself and the environment. It aims at training children’s coordinating ability of body movements in order to help them adapt to the environment and lay the foundation for independence. This nurtures children’s patience, attention and nature to help each other and cherish things.
- Senses Education: Human intelligence is constructed via senses that produces cognition and becomes wisdom. Since Senses Education is the basis for constructing intelligence, Montessori has designed the Senses Education based on the senses development of children.
- Mathematics Education: Montessori advocates that Mathematics Education should start from Senses Education so that abstract concepts can be shown to children in a concrete way.
- Language Education: Teachers adopting the Montessori Method will train the listening skill of young children starting from proper pronunciation. This enables children to master the accurate pronunciation. Then via teaching at anywhere and anytime, the language abilities of young children are strengthened.
- Culture Education: It aims to foster in young children the outlook and values on the world and the universe so as to help them adapt to the social environment and lead to a happy life. Nature and Humanities Education refers to a variety of knowledge including understanding animals and plants, astronomy, geology, history, arts, etc. related to the living environment of humankind.

Thematic Education
Our school curriculum is designed based on the ‘Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum’ (2006) by the HKSAR Education Bureau. We provide balanced learning opportunities in moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetics education and adopt flexibly the thematic and multi-intelligent learning materials to execute different kinds of learning activities. Via participating in meaningful play and activities, young children’s love and thinking can be inspired. This enhances their multi-abilities and lets them learn happily.
Other teaching methods
Other teaching methods integrated in our curriculum include Project Approach, Drama-in-Education, Using Picture Books to teach, Diversity of Arts, Life-wide Learning, Putonghua Education, etc.
Support to Non-Chinese Speaking Pupils
The nursery respects multi-cultural races and provides the following support measures to guide pupils integrating into joyful campus life:
- Accept parents and pupils attending interview accompanied by Chinese-speaking relatives to help communication, or arrange translator or translation service according to the need of parents.
- Syllabus for Chinese study is designed for individual pupils, edited and recorded with Talking Pen as learning resource to consolidate their learning.
- English service is provided for school application procedure, circulars, pupil learning programme, pupil’s growing reports and in parent meetings.
- The teacher responsible for the pupil has daily regular meeting with parents.